Work party restart !!

Hello folks,

Over the last few days, I have put a lot of time and effort into getting us
back on the ground.
I have spoken to the* IWA and I have looked at the latest
government guidelines* and I am very happy that we can now restart our work
party program in a *safe manner*.

Given that pubs will be open on the 4th I will delay the start of the work
party to the *12th of July* to allow people to celebrate their new found
freedom !!

The rules that I would like people to follow are

1. Work in small groups
2. stay at least 2 meters apart from other members of the public and
3. Use *handwashing facilities* that will be *provided*.
4. Give way to the public if you are on the towpath
5. Bring and use your own cups, tea and coffee will still be provided.
6. where required I will fence you off from the public to provide a safe
7. If you have symptoms of C-19, been in contact with someone that has
it, feel unwell or you have been asked to self isolate please do not attend.

With these simple measures, we can get back to looking after our canal.

so…I very much look forward to seeing you on the 12th of July at Paulton
Basin at 10:00 am.

Mark Sherrey
Work party manager